About Us 

As the name of the company implies (Four Dot Zero) the company plans to develop solutions using standard industry software to help manufacturing and engineering companies implement Industry-4.0 solutions in innovative way, using the experience of the promoter in the area of advanced manufacturing. Most large companies that talk about these solutions make high valued proposals which manufacturing companies may not be able to afford. During the COVID related lockdown, some innovative thought has gone in making innovative solutions using the experience to make them more affordable and user friendly. The promoter passionately believes in the make-in-India initiative of the Indian Government and thinks that the solutions shall have great potential in the Government and Defense sector along with other Public Sector Organizations which would immensely benefit from the solution which is being validated by the company. 

Startup Services

Startup Strategy 

Few Points of consideration while setting up the start up business 


No. of Employees

Number of employees: 2 to begin with and plan to grow to 5 – 8 by year end


Stage of business: 

Ideation/Validation/Early traction/Scaling – Validation and Early traction


Has your startup applied for any IPR ? 

Not Yet 


Is the startup creating an innovative product / service / process or improving an existing product / service / process ?

Select as applicable